Latymer Court Winter News

Latymer Court Winter News
Latymer Court Winter Newsletter – December 2024
The directors and staff of Latymer Court Freehold Company Limited (LCFC) and the managing agents Willmotts wish all residents of Latymer Court a happy holiday season.
2024 has been an eventful year at Latymer Court. On the positive side, you will have seen:
- The main reception area was redecorated

- The arches on the Hammersmith Road façade were refurbished and repainted

- New pedestrian and vehicles gates were installed at Rowan Road .
- Phases 1 & 2 of the 6-phase gutter remedials project were completed. Phases 3 & 4 will be carried out in 2025.
A new flue was built, installed and up and running in August 2024 following the communal heating and hot water boiler flue failure at Easter. Prior to the new install we had to hire oil fired temporary boilers and locate them in the north elevation car park in the estate.
The Board of directors of LCFC and Willmotts would like to thank residents for their patience and understanding during that very challenging period.
In the new year, there are plans to continue remedial work on the underground drainage throughout the estate, some further upgrades of lift controllers/motors and decoration of three blocks and the façade above the commercial units on Hammersmith Road.
Contractor news
- Rose Cleaning have taken over from Pinewoods for cleaning services since November. Pinewoods still hold the yard staff contract.
- Edmunds Services have taken over from Birdsall for boiler maintenance and other related services.
LCFC Board news
- Cathy I’Anson joined the Board in August – some residents may remember that Cathy’s late mother Mrs Hilary Mackintosh (from Flat 27) was a LCFC director from 2005.
- Amanda Court resigned from the Board in September after serving for five years. We thank Amanda for her hard work and dedication during her time on the Board.
New Administrative Assistant - Tarif Bayliss
- We are pleased to inform you that we have appointed Tarif Bayliss to the post of Administrative Assistant to the Freehold Company and Estate Office.
- Tarif has previous experience in providing administrative support and the building industry. He will support the work of both offices and be based in the Freehold Office.
- Tarif will be joining LCFC on Monday 13 January 2025 and we hope all residents will welcome him to Latymer Court.

Useful Information For The Festive Season
The Freehold Office will be closed from 20 December 2024 and will reopen on Monday, 6 January 2025.
The Estate Office will be closed from 23 December 2024 and will reopen on Monday 6 January 2025
Willmotts head office will be closed from 24 December and will reopen on 2 January.
Out of hours emergency call out procedure
For assistance out of hours you should report issues to Security staff at Reception or by telephone 020 8748 8383 who will then contact the relevant contractor.
No contractors are permitted on site from Monday 23 December 2024 to 6 January 2025.
Whilst mindful that the festive season is a time for festivities, it is essential that all residents are allowed peaceful enjoyment of their homes. Please keep noise levels to a minimum so as not to disturb your neighbours. Residents experiencing noise nuisance should contact Security.
Smoking cannabis is forbidden throughout Latymer Court including inside the flats, courtyards and parking areas. Any incidents should promptly be reported to Security.
Drain Blockages
Please DO NOT put baby wipes, cosmetic wipes, cooking fat or oils in the sinks and drains. Drainage contractors working on site have reported large deposits of fat and waste clogging the underground drainage throughout the estate.
A reminder about waste disposal and recycling
All domestic refuse must be put in bags, securely tied and placed in the silver bins provided which are located on the landings in the rear service stairwell.
Larger household refuse: Items such as furniture, fridges, cookers etc. MUST NOT be dumped anywhere on site. If you wish to dispose of such items, please contact Hammersmith & Fulham Cleaner Greener Hot Line on 0208 753 1100 or email on There is a small fee for their service.
Christmas tree disposal
Please DO NOT use the passenger lifts to transport trees. Use the service lifts and clean up any mess that may be ma by falling pine needles etc. Hammersmith and Fulham Council offer several ways for residents to recycle Christmas trees. Please check Hammersmith & Fulham’s website for details
Aisling Ampadu - 020 8741 3080
Latymer Court Freehold Office
Kay Lam - 020 8748 1665
Site Security
Main reception: 020 8748 8383
Rowan Road Gate Hut: 020 8563 9222
Willmotts Head Office
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